Tuesday, 13 May 2008

1 more?

this is why uz NEED twitter!
point is
i took the advice of my bible notes
and just sat back
and listened to peoples conversations
to see how much we build each other up, and tear each other down.
and basically
we need help
VERY badly
and im serious. try it.

EDIT: Today proves my point, and it might seem easy to joke about, but quite seriously, i'm getting to a point where im going to crack. 1 more day, or even lesson, and it'll get to the point where i'll just leave. so many people need to get over themselves, and maybe put in a bit for others (not me, i mean put in some for EVERYONE). that is all.


alyssa said...

wow u did post alot today. I wodner if it was mroe than when i started up my baby trifling facts?? Both my blogs combined of course but yeah.

(ignore the "my baby" comments, i think im in a weird, sentimental mood(even thought hsi morning i said i have no heart): i called my blog readers "lovely" this arvo)

Anonymous said...

what in cyberspace is twitter????
never expletive heard of it!
having read alyssa's comment, i now know where the idea of ur n pauls combined blog being ur """baby""" came from.
do u no who's having it yet?

Anonymous said...

u sound very depressed in some of these posts, but u are right; but how much of our breaking others down is in jest, and received as such?

"do not let any unwholesome word come out of your mouth, but only what is good for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those that listen" or something along those lines
Galatians 15:something