Sunday, 14 December 2008

Kangaroo Island


without sounding corny n cheesy, its holidays, missing all of you guys' company. ok, i just succeeded in the cheesy factor. hi5! anyway, off to kangaroo island tomorrow till friday, so i'll text you guys maybe (if you're special enough!). and maybe expect... nah, secret =P (stephen, SECRET!) lol so heres where i'll be headed, i think. i'll be staying under the jetty, probably strapped to it when i sleep. hehe. later cool dudes =)

Sunday, 7 December 2008

My new blog!

just somewhere i can post thoughts, whether long or quick, or things i like and don't.

so next time you're just not sure what the shiz is at present, go to:

Monday, 24 November 2008

Cops are Tops - Give 'em some respect!

This morning i saw a news story, talking about the thing i hate talking about - schoolies. The issue was of course the infamous gold coast, on which 100 'toolies' (people who have finished school already but still join in) and 23 schoolies have been arrested (no doubt more since). Also, cops have been patrolling the beaches during the night, pulling infinite amounts of drunk tossers out of the water. der.

so yes, we can respect the cops for helping these poor boozers out. however, i think they deserve much more respect. Coppers shouldn't have to be doing what they are doin on the Gold Coast as i type this. I think it's just plain wrong. If people want to get drunk, and then swim, they should deal with it. maybe, if the schoolies really want to have a good 'safe' time, they should

a) go somewhere else
b) volunteer to lifeguard. At pubs, they have designated drivers (sometimes), and the cops don't drive them home. i dont want to sound harsh, but why should they pull them out of the water?

so yes, our cops do a fine job, and i commend them. they keep us alive, protected, and i tell you this - when the homies are restless, theres nothing more comforting than
1. Jesus
2. a cop.

So, show them some respect. Maybe just say hi, ask them how they're goin, or just throw them a wave or a smile. These people, for no reason whatsoever, put themselves below us, willing to die and drive fast cars so that we can live the life we are blessed enough to live here in australia (minus our cricket team - whats going on with them?!).

and hey, next time you're in the maccas dunny and a cop walks in, try make a joke or say something vaguely interesting. awkward silences suck. especially when the guy has a loaded gun on his hip. later dudes. =D

Note: sorry the above language probably sounds very blunt. im in a rush - maybe i'll come back and make it nicer sometime ay.

Monday, 13 October 2008

October 13 - Ramblings and Singing

ok, so i made a vlog, finally.

and when i said go die i meant shakespeare, but you can watch my feeble attempt to correct myself lol.


Wednesday, 30 July 2008


for those of you with special needs, im sorry about the exlamation marks... IM HAPPY!!!!!

Sunday, 27 July 2008


So today i drove through sun, rain, SNOW! and sleet. wicked. Then, a dude pulled out and lst control on the icy road, and we nearly crashed. After while later, we went past a 10 car pile-up, with cars on that side, our side, and the grass strip in the middle. people were treating each other up on the hill, although at least one car had no bonnet - this means the engine went into the cabin, and the crowd around the car wasnt good. Then mum explained to me that lots of people die in car crashes when their heads slump, they can't breathe, and no-one will touch them. All you have to do is lift up their head...
Anyway, if you don't own 'revelation' yet, you musn't have enough money, or else you are a total lunatic!!!!!! Third Day are prove that christian music can be better than other stuff, because they are. So here's a sneak video. woot.
But i miss poor Brad.. =( Hopefully they come back here, because they didn't after 'Wherever You Are'. If they do, you're all coming, no choice. A further Third Day post is coming...

Wednesday, 23 July 2008


So the story starts yesterday, when my phone hasn't been working for a few days. Of course, i walk into the Optus shop, and it decides that it would be suitable to once again be able to send texts and make calls. Thanks phone.
So, I'm stuck in town for over an hour. What to doooooo?! Well, Rock Factory first, and i walk out with Megadeth Greatest Hits for a whopping $12.95. Angus & Robertson next. They didn't seem to have the book i was after (Miami Ink: Marked for Greatness), but i probably couldn't afford it anyway. Yes, Tattoos are awesome. I hope you don't sink so low as to judge people just because they have tattoos (though people with tattoos aren't always the brightest characters). Somewhere in there i also bought my ticket to Batman. Anyway, the humour sectio showed me lots of intereesting things. That sunrise dudes greatest jokes were horrible, but the encyclopedia of immaturity (Fanny Price kinda stuff, not sexual or anything, which was nice) was hilarious, as was the book of random facts. Sweeeeet. I love science, and all the wierd facts it brings. Did you know you can poo out your bellybutton?! (in not many people). Or if two identical girls married two identical dudes, they could have babies that look the same!!!!! wow...
Anyway, off to EB. Not much here.
Everyone FINALLY arrives, and being the little babies they are, go to oporto. Meanwhile, the men go to nams. As i sit waiting at my table for two, Mr. Nam obviously expects i am waiting for a girl... That would've been nice, but this wasn't the time. We dine like kings, walk back to greater union and spread the sweet honey and peanuty peanut vibe. Time for Batman, the sequel to one of my favourite movies.
I'll probably write a separate review. It wasn't as good as the first. There was just something missing... Don't ask what. Anyway, it was incredibly long, and i expected two-face two be a different movie (well hey, scarecrow and the joker kinda were). Gary Oldman lived on like a true wizard, with a crazed pom-yank accent. Christian Bale, my favourite actor and undoubtedly the best around, was freakin awesome. Heath Ledger was good, but the media obviously talked him up ALOT.
After the movie I walk to the car via a cloud of marijuanna smoke (the 2nd time i've smelt the stuff in my life, and in the last two weeks as well. Better than tobacco... But us westerners don't use it properly. Those jamaicans use it the right way, like we use tea or coffee). I walked past the guy, and said to my bro n step-dad, "That was not tobacco!". to which they just go "woahhhhh". Not cool. (I'm not a druggo, it's just a strange experience). We also walk past a withcraft guy in his CRAZY robes, totally creeped out. thank goodness he didn't put some creepy wacko spell on us. Srsly.
So today i go to rivers, and score two pairs of shoes for $18 each, reduced from $80 each. With 3 pairs of socks (rivers socks are the best in the world, as is the store itself), that comes to $40.30c. Bargain.
I went many other places, including the orthodontist (always showing off. today it was his iPhone. Last time macbook air) and a retainer, muffin break, uncle petes (a spud gun so us dudes have one each!) and DJ's (we bought stuff. i don't want it stolen though, seeing this is a public page =P).
Now, my phone still isn't working. Tomorrow i shall go to Optus, and if they are as unhelpful as yesti, tell them they are not beeing good enough.

THE END (I'll probably update it anyway though...)

Wednesday, 9 July 2008

Writing like a doctor!

In the past, i have spent large amounts of time exploring j.k rowling's website, and i've pretty much unlocked everything. What amazes me, is that for such a good author, her writing is pretty much illegible, the worst i've ever seen. It's just plain wierd.
Sorry if this post sucks... I'll get some better ones soon.
Good evening.

Thursday, 19 June 2008

Time is NOT of the essence

For a very long...time (you'll discover the relevance of the ellipsis) i've been annoyed by the concept of, well, time (see). We get so caught up, trapped by some fictional creation which we humans invented. How stupid. So, who better than the ninja to summarize (z looks better) my views, even if it isn't his main point....

Friday, 23 May 2008

Dig it

"Opeth is not from this world. They reside far from here where a metal playing planet full of aliens has sent their best band to enlight the world with their amazing poetry..." - A quote i found on iTunes.

Well, recently, alot of my perceptions of Death Metal have been changed. If anyone tries to tell you that Opeth is a mere Death Metal band, they might as well tell you that Rob Bell talks about sin. Their amazing mix of prog, free form jazz, acoustic, metal, AMAZING singing and miraculous deep-throat growling enlightens the souls of all who hear it. They are a band of skill and tallent - no crappy effects here!

EDIT: i could have gone into MUCH more depth here about Akerfeldts incredible singing voice, one of the best clean voices around.

One might find that at first glance, they sound like any other metal band. However, a few extra listens will change all. Songs and albums move on like scenes in a movie, as nothing is repeated, yet it all flows majestically. Mikael Akerfeldt is inspiring, and makes me wish i could growl. The amazing riffs, INCREDIBLE drumming and perfect combination of many genres is what, in the end, places Opeth in a genre of their own - the genre of Awesome.

Ghost reveries, which i'm diggin', is the perfect mix of everything good, and to describe it here would take too long. It will strenghen fans, and enchants and addicts any new listener. Opeth's ever clever use of minor keys and descending patterns takes away the need for sheer grunt (some of the progressions they use were banned in the middle ages, for fear of the devil, so they can sound very rad) - though they certainly aren't afraid to fire up when needed.

All in all, i could go on forever. The point is this

Opeth is not for metal fans. It is for people with ears.

I wouldn't try it...

Periodic tables... The ultimate chick magnet. And, if you can do the dance, how could anyone not like you?!

Tuesday, 13 May 2008

1 more?

this is why uz NEED twitter!
point is
i took the advice of my bible notes
and just sat back
and listened to peoples conversations
to see how much we build each other up, and tear each other down.
and basically
we need help
VERY badly
and im serious. try it.

EDIT: Today proves my point, and it might seem easy to joke about, but quite seriously, i'm getting to a point where im going to crack. 1 more day, or even lesson, and it'll get to the point where i'll just leave. so many people need to get over themselves, and maybe put in a bit for others (not me, i mean put in some for EVERYONE). that is all.


i posted ALOT today

but just to say im in love with the who right now




no, the who?


dont worry

i cant explain (subtle hint...)





posts like this shouldnt happen

thats what twitter is for

so hurry up and get twitter

ALL of you!


I get really annoyed when people get their priorities way out of wack, such as the government plan to spend more on education than the medical system!!!!!!!!!!! yes, both are state govt. issues, but that souldn't matter! get it right simon swann (although it's not going to happen - he has no more reason or qualification to be involved in anything financial than me!)

We care about the Chinese earthquake

why? try this

1. Quakes are uncommon, compared to cyclones which occur very often, including in the western world (which apparently matters more), especially in cyclone season.

2. Compared to the Huai river disaster in the Henan province, this was a natural disaster, as opposed to human error combined with the right circumstances, and is therefore not our fault. Yes, it is no ones fault, but honestly, we can sacrifice the pride of a few people when 1.5 million have died. No?

I am what I am

i made that up. so where's my fame, fortune, and CRAZY bias meaning that students have to read my books, any of them, who cares which ones, because im just so apparently wonderful that they are all ok?

Wednesday, 30 April 2008

Here's the deal

Today was pretty much the worst day ever. I'd just like to say, i'm a breathing, living, walking, talking, EATING, sleeping, human being. I have feelings. And they aren't so good right now. All i've learned is which of my friends are friends.

NB: This post isn't aimed at anyone. don't get offended. i love you guys that read my blog, you're awesome. i just need to get my (very few) thoughts out there. =)

Monday, 28 April 2008


official review coming soon. very soon...... mwahahahahahahahahahahahaha.....

Maybe bigger is better

On Saturday, the love of my life (ok, there are some people i care more about than my shoes) got covered in mud. But then i realised something. Obviously, as thursday's trip to the movies showed, good things, such as m&ms, are better in large amounts. But then i realised, maybe that applies to bad things. I was becoming highly irritated as my shoes picked up more and more mud, but once they fell through the ground and got completely covered (including on the inside!) it wasn't so bad. It was done, there was nothing more i could do. This also applies to many other things, such as sand. A small amount of sand can get annoying, but when you're absolutely full of it, it's great! Tell me if you think of anymore. i just had a giant brain fart and all thoughts have left my mind... Although, i don't think this rule applies to maths problems and mass murders...

Wednesday, 12 March 2008

God is awesome

There's no better way to live than knowing you're loved and cared for by the one true God. So get into it. It's the best life you can have. I was rather teary last saturday at fight night, because God is so amazing. I've barely stopped talking to him since. Asking him to change me to be the person he wants me to be. It's awesome. Live it.

Thursday, 7 February 2008

im really confused as to why my blog is all screwed up n crap. wierd. posts r mixed, all wierd n stuff. so this is a test. btw, BOOKS are BETTER than BIKES