Friday, 16 November 2007

Have you left your watch or valuAbles behind?

Typos drive me insane. I despise them. More than corey the party guy who i'll attack some other time. And what confuses me the most is how the people who make these signs or labels or whatever can make such stupid errors!!! My family runs an engraving business from home, and mistakes do happen. However, words such as 'attendent' and 'valubles' just drive me mad. It stands out, or maybe it's just me. After all, these things probably only annoy nerds. But being a nerd is awesome. There's nothing wrong with it, we just have different interests. Big whoop! Deal with it! Besides, what would the world be without us?! Exactly! And you'd all miss conversations about whether or not carbon is a metal!! I think i was wrong about it though. Dang. (Don't worry if this doesn't make sense! =) )

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