Sunday 21 October 2007

Life is uncertain... Eat dessert first

It seems that nowadays everyone has so so so many problems. But i'm going to say straight out, we don't, so maybe people should just get over 'problems', such as food, school, cars, money etc. But as said above, life is uncertain. We all need to be happy with what we have, and not take life so seriously. There are people in this world with nothing, yet some people still can't find time to be happy. And if people can't be happy with what they have now, i don't know how they can be happy. We might as well give someone else a chance at it, because people with nothing would certainly enjoy the life we all live. The way i heard it put is this "you've just got to enjoy life, because if you don't, your gonna have alot of regrets." And no one likes regret.

Pickles! hehe

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


well i mean yeah i agree, thats what nice means, well in this instance anyway, it could mean a vairety of things, such as ur a nice person, or your not, or you could have aid something nice or 'nice' as in nice comeback/witty saying. Then again, it could just mean
