This morning i saw a news story, talking about the thing i hate talking about - schoolies. The issue was of course the infamous gold coast, on which 100 'toolies' (people who have finished school already but still join in) and 23 schoolies have been arrested (no doubt more since). Also, cops have been patrolling the beaches during the night, pulling infinite amounts of drunk tossers out of the water. der.
so yes, we can respect the cops for helping these poor boozers out. however, i think they deserve much more respect. Coppers shouldn't have to be doing what they are doin on the Gold Coast as i type this. I think it's just plain wrong. If people want to get drunk, and then swim, they should deal with it. maybe, if the schoolies really want to have a good 'safe' time, they should
a) go somewhere else
b) volunteer to lifeguard. At pubs, they have designated drivers (sometimes), and the cops don't drive them home. i dont want to sound harsh, but why should they pull them out of the water?
so yes, our cops do a fine job, and i commend them. they keep us alive, protected, and i tell you this - when the homies are restless, theres nothing more comforting than
1. Jesus
2. a cop.
So, show them some respect. Maybe just say hi, ask them how they're goin, or just throw them a wave or a smile. These people, for no reason whatsoever, put themselves below us, willing to die and drive fast cars so that we can live the life we are blessed enough to live here in australia (minus our cricket team - whats going on with them?!).
and hey, next time you're in the maccas dunny and a cop walks in, try make a joke or say something vaguely interesting. awkward silences suck. especially when the guy has a loaded gun on his hip. later dudes. =D
Note: sorry the above language probably sounds very blunt. im in a rush - maybe i'll come back and make it nicer sometime ay.