Friday, 23 May 2008

Dig it

"Opeth is not from this world. They reside far from here where a metal playing planet full of aliens has sent their best band to enlight the world with their amazing poetry..." - A quote i found on iTunes.

Well, recently, alot of my perceptions of Death Metal have been changed. If anyone tries to tell you that Opeth is a mere Death Metal band, they might as well tell you that Rob Bell talks about sin. Their amazing mix of prog, free form jazz, acoustic, metal, AMAZING singing and miraculous deep-throat growling enlightens the souls of all who hear it. They are a band of skill and tallent - no crappy effects here!

EDIT: i could have gone into MUCH more depth here about Akerfeldts incredible singing voice, one of the best clean voices around.

One might find that at first glance, they sound like any other metal band. However, a few extra listens will change all. Songs and albums move on like scenes in a movie, as nothing is repeated, yet it all flows majestically. Mikael Akerfeldt is inspiring, and makes me wish i could growl. The amazing riffs, INCREDIBLE drumming and perfect combination of many genres is what, in the end, places Opeth in a genre of their own - the genre of Awesome.

Ghost reveries, which i'm diggin', is the perfect mix of everything good, and to describe it here would take too long. It will strenghen fans, and enchants and addicts any new listener. Opeth's ever clever use of minor keys and descending patterns takes away the need for sheer grunt (some of the progressions they use were banned in the middle ages, for fear of the devil, so they can sound very rad) - though they certainly aren't afraid to fire up when needed.

All in all, i could go on forever. The point is this

Opeth is not for metal fans. It is for people with ears.

I wouldn't try it...

Periodic tables... The ultimate chick magnet. And, if you can do the dance, how could anyone not like you?!

Tuesday, 13 May 2008

1 more?

this is why uz NEED twitter!
point is
i took the advice of my bible notes
and just sat back
and listened to peoples conversations
to see how much we build each other up, and tear each other down.
and basically
we need help
VERY badly
and im serious. try it.

EDIT: Today proves my point, and it might seem easy to joke about, but quite seriously, i'm getting to a point where im going to crack. 1 more day, or even lesson, and it'll get to the point where i'll just leave. so many people need to get over themselves, and maybe put in a bit for others (not me, i mean put in some for EVERYONE). that is all.


i posted ALOT today

but just to say im in love with the who right now




no, the who?


dont worry

i cant explain (subtle hint...)





posts like this shouldnt happen

thats what twitter is for

so hurry up and get twitter

ALL of you!


I get really annoyed when people get their priorities way out of wack, such as the government plan to spend more on education than the medical system!!!!!!!!!!! yes, both are state govt. issues, but that souldn't matter! get it right simon swann (although it's not going to happen - he has no more reason or qualification to be involved in anything financial than me!)

We care about the Chinese earthquake

why? try this

1. Quakes are uncommon, compared to cyclones which occur very often, including in the western world (which apparently matters more), especially in cyclone season.

2. Compared to the Huai river disaster in the Henan province, this was a natural disaster, as opposed to human error combined with the right circumstances, and is therefore not our fault. Yes, it is no ones fault, but honestly, we can sacrifice the pride of a few people when 1.5 million have died. No?

I am what I am

i made that up. so where's my fame, fortune, and CRAZY bias meaning that students have to read my books, any of them, who cares which ones, because im just so apparently wonderful that they are all ok?